The course deals with the important challenges for materials (structural and fuel) for current and advanced nuclear power plants. Experimental techniques and tools used for working with active materials are discussed in detail. Students will be well acquainted with analytical and modeling methodologies for damage assessment and residual life determination and with the behavior of high burnup fuel.
Learning objective
The behaviour of materials in nuclear reactors determines the reliability and safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Life extension and the understanding of fuel behavior under high burn-up conditions is of central importance for current-day NPPs. Advanced future systems (fission and fusion) need materials meeting additional challenges such as high temperatures and/or high doses. The course will highlight the above needs from different points of view. Experimental methods for the control and analysis of nuclear components and materials in operating NPPs will be presented. Advanced analytical and modeling tools will be introduced for characterization and understanding of irradiation damage, creep, environment effects, etc. Insights acquired from recent experimental programs into high burnup fuel behavior under hypothetical accident conditions (RIA, LOCA) will be presented. Materials for advanced future nuclear plants will be discussed.
Performance assessment
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)