151-0206-00L  Energy Systems and Power Engineering

SemesterSpring Semester 2024
LecturersR. S. Abhari, A. Steinfeld
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractIntroductory first course for the specialization in ENERGY. The course provides an overall view of the energy field and pertinent global problems, reviews some of the thermodynamic basics in energy conversion, and presents the state-of-the-art technology for power generation and fuel processing.
Learning objectiveIntroductory first course for the specialization in ENERGY. The course provides an overall view of the energy field and pertinent global problems, reviews some of the thermodynamic basics in energy conversion, and presents the state-of-the-art technology for power generation and fuel processing.
ContentWorld primary energy resources and use: fossil fuels, renewable energies, nuclear energy; present situation, trends, and future developments. Sustainable energy system and environmental impact of energy conversion and use: energy, economy and society. Electric power and the electricity economy worldwide and in Switzerland; production, consumption, alternatives. The electric power distribution system. Renewable energy and power: available techniques and their potential. Cost of electricity. Conventional power plants and their cycles; state-of-the-art and advanced cycles. Combined cycles and cogeneration; environmental benefits. Solar thermal; concentrated solar power; solar photovoltaics. Fuel cells: characteristics, fuel reforming and combined cycles.
Lecture notesVorlesungsunterlagen werden verteilt