101-0129-00L Non Destructive Evaluation & Rehabilitation of Existing Structures
Semester | Autumn Semester 2023 |
Lecturers | E. Chatzi, B. Herraiz Gómez, G. Kocur |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | English |
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again) | |
Performance assessment as a semester course | |
ECTS credits | 3 credits |
Examiners | B. Herraiz Gómez, E. Chatzi, G. Kocur |
Type | graded semester performance |
Language of examination | English |
Repetition | Repetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit. |
Admission requirement | Compulsory performance elements: -Project 1: Evaluation and analysis of advanced technologies for Non-Destructive Methods -Project 2: Evaluation and description of a rehabilitation construction project Students should present the project and submit a technical report. |
Additional information on mode of examination | Performance assessment: The presentation of the projects and the associated technical report (compulsory performance elements) are graded. The weighting of the overall grade is composed as follows: -Project 1: 50 % towards the final grade -Project 2: 50 % towards the final grade |