This lecture introduces basic digital circuit components. The first part focuses on logic gates, and their realization with CMOS transistors. The physics and the operation principle of transistors will be analyzed in details. Then, the Boolean algebra, codes, as well as the synthesis and analysis of simple circuits will be discussed. The second part is dedicated to latches and flip-flops.
Learning objective
Students should master the basic concepts of digital electronics, recognize its fundamental logic blocks and understand the basic physical operation mechanism CMOS transitors. Aditionally they will be able to assemble them to create their own digital circuits, gather experience in the field of digital electronics, and become familiar with the design of simple and more advanced digital circuits, for example finite-state machines and memory cells.
Prerequisites / Notice
Prerequisites: This course has no specific prerequisite, except basic knowledge of electrical engineering concepts, in particular Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws. They will be repeated during the first lecture to ensure that everybody is on the same page.