The seminar provides an introduction to the basics of scientific work. It imparts methods of architectural and cultural studies, introduces participants to archive-based research and enables them to critically and analytically evaluate the sources consulted. Forms of communicating scientific results are also a topic of the seminar.
Learning objective
The aim of the seminar is to qualify participants to apply methods of architectural and cultural studies in the evaluation of objects of the built environment. Participants are enabled to assess a building which they have selected in the form of a heritage conservation report.
An essential basis for a responsible engagement with the built heritage is the ability to recognise its characteristics and peculiarities from an architectural scientific point of view, and to objectively elaborate on them. For this, knowledge of scientific methods is just as much a prerequisite as the ability to undertake purposeful research and to critically evaluate source material in order to productively include it in the analysis. The first part of the seminar is devoted to an introduction to scientific work in the fields of architectural and cultural studies. This lays the foundation for the second part, which deals with the independent scientific evaluation of a building which the participants choose individually.