701-1257-00L  European Climate Change

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersC. Schär, J. Rajczak, S. C. Scherrer
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractThe lecture provides an overview of climate change in Europe, from a physical and atmospheric science perspective. It covers the following topics:
• observational datasets, observation and detection of climate change;
• underlying physical processes and feedbacks;
• numerical and statistical approaches;
• currently available projections.
Learning objectiveAt the end of this course, participants should:
• understand the key physical processes shaping climate change in Europe;
• know about the methodologies used in climate change studies, encompassing observational, numerical, as well as statistical approaches;
• be familiar with relevant observational and modeling data sets;
• be able to tackle simple climate change questions using available data sets.
• global context
• observational data sets, analysis of climate trends and climate variability in Europe
• global and regional climate modeling
• statistical downscaling
• key aspects of European climate change: intensification of the water cycle, Polar and Mediterranean amplification, changes in extreme events, changes in hydrology and snow cover, topographic effects
• projections of European and Alpine climate change
Lecture notesSlides and lecture notes will be made available at
Prerequisites / NoticeParticipants should have a background in natural sciences, and have attended introductory lectures in atmospheric sciences or meteorology.