166-0490-00L  Master’s Thesis

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersC. Onder
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractIndividually and independently, students address a practice-related problem in the area of future transport systems. To do this they deploy, under the supervision of an expert, what they have learned in the MAS programme. They set out the problem, the procedure and the solution in a written report which they present and defend in front of a specialist audience.
Learning objective- Ability to draw up solutions in the context of future transport systems.
- Ability to communicate these solutions in a manner suited to a particular target audience.
Content- Introductory colloquium: Working scientifically and presenting a project idea
- Individual and independent work on a problem selected by the participant
- Interim colloquium: Presentation of the status quo
- Individual supervision by the lecturer
- compilation of the written thesis and preparation of the presentation
- Examination colloquium: Presentation and defence
Lecture notesDistributed at start of module
LiteratureDistributed at start of module
Prerequisites / NoticeAnnounced to students of the of the MAS at the beginning of the term.