851-0735-10L  Startups and Law

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersP. Peyrot
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentParticularly suitable for students of D-ITET, D-MAVT.

AbstractThe students shall obtain a basic knowledge about the legal environment of entrepreneurs. They shall be able to recognize and evaluate legal issues connected to an entrepreneurial activity and suggest possible solutions.
Learning objectiveThe students shall obtain the following competence:
- They shall obtain a working knowledge on the legal aspects involved in setting up and managing an enterprize.
- They shall be acquainted with corporate functions as contracting, negotiation, claims management and dispute resolution
- They shall be familiar with the issues of corporate compliance, i.e. the system to ascertain that all legal and ethical rules are observed.
- They shall be able to contribute to the legal management of the company and to discuss legal issues.
- They shall have an understanding of the law as a part of the corporate strategy and as a valuable ressource of the company.
Lecture notesA comprehensive script will be made available online on the moodle platform.