101-0120-00L Structural Glass Design and Facade Engineering
Semester | Herbstsemester 2023 |
Dozierende | V.‑A. Silvestru |
Periodizität | jährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung |
Lehrsprache | Englisch |
Nummer | Titel | Umfang | Dozierende | |||||||
101-0120-00 G | Structural Glass Design and Facade Engineering 1. half of the semester (weeks 1 to 7): lectures (theory) 2. half of the semester (weeks 8 to 14): group projects | 3 Std. |
| V.‑A. Silvestru |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course gives an introduction to structural glass design and related façade engineering aspects. It will focus on the properties of the material glass and glass products, as well as on the structural design of glass elements and their supporting systems and connections. |
Lernziel | After successful completion of the course, students will be able to: -Understand and apply the fundamentals of the material glass and glass products, the basic principles for using glass as a load-carrying building material for structural applications and the types of connections used for glass elements; -Recognize requirements for glass elements depending on their application area and chose the appropriate glass products and assemblies accordingly; -Structurally design out-of-plane loaded glass elements based on available standards, both by hand calculations and specific software applications; -Apply selected approaches for the structural design of in-plane loaded glass elements; -Select suitable supporting systems (post-and-beam façade, curtain wall, etc.) and connections (point fixings, brackets, etc.) for the glass elements and structurally design them. |
Inhalt | This course introduces civil engineering students to structural glass design and related façade engineering aspects. It aims to provide the students the knowledge required in engineering offices to design glass elements but at the same time, the necessary fundamentals for later performing research in this field. To achieve this, the course includes lectures, design exercises and a design project. Lectures: The lectures will cover the following contents: -Production methods and properties of the material glass and glass products and their structurally relevant properties (annealed glass, thermally tempered glass, chemically tempered glass, laminated glass, insulating glass, curved glass); -Connection principles and types for glass elements (mechanical fixing, adhesive bonding); -Requirements for glass elements depending on the application area (vertical glazing, overhead glazing, walk-on glazing, barrier glazing); -Structural design of glass elements based on standards and research results (out-of-plane loaded glass elements and in-plane loaded glass elements); -Typologies and design of structural systems for transparent façades; -Requirements and functions for transparent facades. Design exercises: The principles and methods presented in the lectures are practiced with the students in design exercises. Hand calculation methods and their limitations as well as the software for structural glass design SJ Mepla are used for out-of-plane loaded glass elements. For in-plane loaded glass elements, the specifics of numerical calculation procedures are exemplified with the software Abaqus. Design project: The students will consolidate the knowledge gained in the theory-lectures and in the design exercises by working on a small design task (e.g. a glass canopy, a glass façade, a glass pavilion) in the form of a group work (ideally groups of 2-3 students). Within this task, the students will: conceptually design the structure and selected connection details; identify requirements for the glass elements and define their assembly; structurally design selected glass components, their support systems and their connections. The students will work on the design task in the second half of the semester and will get feedback on their progress in weekly review sessions. At the end of the semester, the groups will submit a project report and give an oral presentation of their projects. |
Skript | The lectures are based on lecture slides and handouts. |
Literatur | Recommended and supplementary literature: -Schneider J., Kuntsche J., Schula S., Schneider F., Wörner J.-D.: Glasbau – Grundlagen, Berechnung, Konstruktion; Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 2. Auflage, 2016. -Kasper R., Pieplow K., Feldmann M.: Beispiele zur Bemessung von Glasbauteilen nach DIN 18008; Ersnst & Sohn, Berlin, 2016. -Haldimann M., Luible A., Overend M.: Structural Use of Glass; IABSE, 2008. -Knaack U., Klein T., Bilow M., Auer T.: Facades – Principles of Construction; Birkhäuser, Basel, 2007. -Watts A.: Modern construction envelopes – Systems for architectural design and prototyping; Birkhäuser, Basel, 2019. |
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Prior knowledge of structural analysis, especially steel structures is necessary. Prior basic knowledge on the method of finite elements is recommended. |
Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird) | |
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ECTS Kreditpunkte | 3 KP |
Prüfende | V.-A. Silvestru |
Form | benotete Semesterleistung |
Prüfungssprache | Englisch |
Repetition | Repetition nur nach erneuter Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich. |
Zusatzinformation zum Prüfungsmodus | Presentation of project work, evaluation of project reports and oral examination. In the second half of the semester, the students will work in groups on a design project with emphasis on aspects related to structural glass design and façade engineering. The performance will be assessed by: -(60%) Development of the design projects during the semester, final oral presentation of the projects and evaluation of the submitted project reports; -(40%) Oral examination with project-related and theoretical questions (30 minutes per group of 2-3 students). |
Keine öffentlichen Lernmaterialien verfügbar. | |
Es werden nur die öffentlichen Lernmaterialien aufgeführt. |
Keine Informationen zu Gruppen vorhanden. |
Plätze | Maximal 24 |
Warteliste | Bis 20.09.2023 |