We live in an urban and urbanizing society. Cities and dense regions are places where transformations such as climate change, economic globalization, settlement expansions, migration, or digitization manifest themselves first and most clearly. In this lecture, we study how cities plan for and react to these global transformations by making use of planning approaches and policy instruments.
Overall learning goal: Students can describe and explain the problems that arise in dense urban settings and they can analyze and compare how cities plan for and react to these urban problems through planning and policy-making Learning objective 1: Students can explain and infer what kind of problems emerges in cities Learning objective 2: Students discover and analyze different urban policy sectors Learning objective 3: Students can compare and evaluate different types of urban planning and policy-making approaches
Description of content (max 4000 characters): In this course, we cover the following topics: - Urbanization and urban governance - Urban planning and policy - Densification and urban development - Gentrification - Affordable Housing - Public spaces - Gender-sensitive planning - Transportation - Smart cities - Climate change - Economic development - Platform economies - Security - Migration policies - Urban sustainable development
We approach each topic by a mix of in-class discussions of one mandatory reading, inputs from the lectures, oral presentations of students as well as written reflections by students.