052-1110-23L  Architectural Design V-IX: Meteora 08 - Forgetting (Hovestadt)

SemesterSpring Semester 2023
LecturersL. Hovestadt
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentPlease register (www.mystudies.ethz.ch) only after the internal enrolment for the design classes (see http://www.einschreibung.arch.ethz.ch/design.php).

Project grading at semester end is based on the list of enrolments on 31.3.23, 24:00 h (valuation date) only. Ultimate deadline to unsubscribe or enroll for the studio is 31.3.23, 24:00 h.


052-1110-23 UArchitectural Design V-IX: Meteora 08 - Forgetting(L.Hovestadt) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
No course on 21./22.3. (seminar week).
16 hrs
Tue09:45-17:30HIB E 15 »
Wed09:45-17:30HIB E 15 »
L. Hovestadt

Catalogue data

AbstractThis studio works on the idea that a substantial understanding of
today’s technology (internet of things, big data, machine
intelligence ...) changes the perspective to architectural theory
and will result in different architectural designs and building
Learning objective1) Identification and understanding of the challenges of today’s
2) techniques of working within the plenty of the internet;
3) a methodology to design digital architectures;
4) understanding of the shift from hard building construction to soft building applications, and
5) an understanding of the importance of becoming a literate digital persona in order to be an architect today.
ContentMETEORA #08

will use artificial intelligence
        to write a text to explicate a precise position in today's world,
        to create a spectrum of images to reflect this world
        and design an architectural artefact which brings things into adequate proportions
Prerequisites / NoticeIndividual work only.

Introduction: 21.02.2023, 09:30, HIB E15.
Intermediate crits: Dates will follow.
Final crits: 30./31.05.2023
No extra costs.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesfostered
Media and Digital Technologiesfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits14 credits
ExaminersL. Hovestadt
Typegraded semester performance
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.
Additional information on mode of examinationProject grading at semester end is based on the list of enrolments on 31.3.23, 24:00 h (valuation date) only. Ultimate deadline to unsubscribe or enroll for the studio is 31.3.23, 24:00 h.

Learning materials

Main linkInformation
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


General : Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers
Permission from lecturers required for all students

Offered in

Architecture BachelorArchitectural Design (from 5. Semester on)WInformation