052-0724-23L  Sociology: The Agrarian Question: From Colonialism to Urban Agriculture

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2023
DozierendeC. Schmid, N. Bathla
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung


052-0724-23 SSociology: The Agrarian Question: From Colonialism to Urban Agriculture
No course on 23.3. (seminar week) and in the last two weeks of the semester (before final critiques).
2 Std.
Do15:45-17:30ONA E 7 »
C. Schmid, N. Bathla


KurzbeschreibungWith 21st century extended urbanisation, architecture and spatial practice is increasingly confronted with agriculture and the agrarian question. This course attempts a systematic engagement with urbanisation and the agrarian questions in its many facets - from the classic question of land enclosure, colonialism, and primitive accumulation, to the ongoing debates on urban agriculture and greening.
LernzielThrough this course, the seminar participants are expected to develop a critical understanding of the agrarian question, its political economy, and urbanisation in the agrarian territories. The participants are thus expected to actively engage in presenting, discussing, and debating the recommended literature for the seminar. Furthermore, the participants are encouraged to identify alternatives and imagine the possibilities for architectural and urban practice in the agrarian territories.

In summary, the seminar aims to accomplish the following:

- Allow the seminar participants to gain a critical understanding of the concepts, ideas, and debates around the agrarian question, agrarian ecology, and extended urbanisation.

- Strengthen the ability of the seminar participants to read, present, and debate academic texts.

- Develop ideas for architectural and urban practice in agrarian territories.
InhaltThe introductory sessions will bring urbanisation and the agrarian question in a world historical perspective through exploring land settlement under colonialism, and the various revolutions and counter-revolutions that emerged in its wake in the global countryside. A further set of sessions will explore the question of food through discussing food sovereignty, food regimes, urban farming, and the future of food. A central facet of the seminar will be the question of land and labour, which will be discussed through the themes of global depesentisation, migration, land enclosure, and primitive accumulation. Lastly, the seminar will explore the contemporary entanglements between the agrarian question and urbanisation through considering global supply chains, carbon forestry, and urbanism in agrarian territories.

Each of the thematic session will include two to three recommended readings, podcasts or lectures. The course participants will prepare short presentations based on these readings in groups of two followed by a moderated discussion.


23.02 Urbanisation and the agrarian question in the 21st century
What is agrarian question and how is it relevant under 21st century urbanisation.

02.03 Colonial wastelands, settlement, and improvement
This session will explore the colonial project of settling wastelands for agriculture in order to turn them productive and revenue generating. It will explore the infrastructures and ecological violence colonial wasteland settlement entailed.

09.03 Global countryside - revolution and counter-revolution
This session will explore how the global countryside subject to immense social and ecological violence, also emerges as a hotbed of radical politics and revolutions and how counterrevolutions have attempted to disrupt and co-opt these revolutions.

16.03 Food and the agrarian question: food sovereignty, hunger, and the future of food
This session will explore the concept of agroecology which has been proposed as a solution to the intersectional food, climate, and biodiversity crisis. The session will explore and evaluate the diversity of paradigms that have emerged under the umbrella agroecology.

Lecture by Joanna Jacobi

30.03 Plantationocene - operationalisation, circulation and the global supply chains
This session will explore the 'plantationocene', which centres the role played by extractive and enclosed monocrop plantations in planetary change. It is not only the plantation that is the pivotal engine for producing novel but fraught natures, but increasingly circulation and supply chain capitalism that is integral to the plantationocene.

06.04 Utopias and Agrarian Urbanisms
This session explores concepts of landscape urbanism that have been applied to the study of agrarian territories as hybrid or in-between, and surveys the long-legacy utopias of agrarian urbanism.

20.04 Land enclosure, fallows, and human-non-human conflict
This session surveys how agrarian land has been subjected to intense forms of enclosure historically and under 21st century urbanisation. It further explores how these enclosures often result in human-non-human conflict.

27.04 Labour, gender, and migration
This session explores the links between urbanisation and intense depesentisation in the global countryside, and the historic and ongoing suppression of wages of women and migrants workers that has upheld this condition.

Lecture by Gianna Ledermann

04.05 Energy and green-grabbing
This session explores how agrarian land and commons are being subjected to greening programs and carbon credit schemes with implications for subsistence, and land ownership.

11.05 What is "urban" about urban agriculture
This session explores the rise of the urban agriculture paradigm as a sustainable alternative for localising food production and urban metabolism and urban agriculture’s inherent contradictions and limitations.

25.05 Concluding Discussion
SkriptA seminar reader will be provided to the participants at the start of the semester.

1. Ecological crises and the agrarian question in world-historical perspective
JW Moore, 2008

2. Surveying the agrarian question (parts 1 & 2): current debates and beyond.
AH Akram-Lodhi, C Kay, 2010

The Agrarian Question in the 21st Century ft. A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi
Introduction to Political Economy. Noaman G. Ali


1. Improvement, in Wasteland: A history. Vittoria Di Palma, 2014.

2. Living in a Fluid Landscape, in Dreaming of dry land: environmental transformation in colonial Mexico City. Vera S. Candiani, 2014.

3. Infrastructures of "Legitimate Violence": The Prussian Settlement Commission, Internal Colonization, and the Migrant Remainder. Hollyamber Kennedy, 2019


1. Mexico, in Peasant wars of the twentieth century. Eric R Wolf, 1999. p. 1-48.

2. The Long Green Revolution. Raj Patel, 2013

3. Agriculture and Food Systems of the 20th Century, in Sustainable agriculture and food security in an era of oil scarcity: lessons from Cuba. Julia Wright, 2012.


1. "Without feminism, there is no Agroecology." Global Network for the Right to Food. Right to Food and Nutrition Watch: Women’s Power in Food Struggles. 2019.

2. Lenora Ditzler, and Driessen Clemens. "Automating Agroecology: How to Design a Farming Robot Without a Monocultural Mindset?.", 2022: 1-31.

3. What does feminism have to do with the food you eat? Agroecology Now! Podcast 2022

4. Vandana Shiva on the agroecology solution for climate change, the biodiversity crisis, and hunger. Mongabay Podcast. 2022


1. Barua, Maan. "Plantationocene: a vegetal geography." 2022. 1-17.

2. Towards an agrarian question of circulation: Walmart's expansion in Chile and the agrarian political economy of supply chain capitalism.
M Arboleda, 2020.

3. The Horizontal Factory: The Operationalisation of the US Corn and Soy Belt. Nikos Katsikis, in Extended Urbanisation: Tracing Planetary Struggles. Eds. Christian Schmid & Milica Topalovic – 2023 forthcoming.


1. From Theory to Resistance: Landscape Urbanism in Europe, Kelly Shannon, in The landscape urbanism reader. Charles Waldheim, 2006.

2. The Emergence of Desakota Regions in Asia: Expanding a Hypothesis
TG McGee, Implosions/Explosions, 2015. p. 121-137

3. Agriculture and Urbanism, in Taking the Country’s Side. Agriculture and Architecture. Sébastien Marot, 2019. p. 45-74


1. Urbs in rure: Historical enclosure and the extended urbanization of the countryside.
Alvaro Sevilla-Buitrago. In Implosions/explosions (pp. 232-259).

2. The land question: special economic zones and the political economy of dispossession in India. M Levien - The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2012.

3. "Bio-geo-graphy: Landscape, dwelling, and the political ecology of human-elephant relations." Maan Barua, 2014. 915-934.


1. Women, work, and wages in historical perspective, in Rural women workers in nineteenth-century England: gender, work and wages. Nicola Verdon, 2002.

2. The global reserve army of labor and the new imperialism. JB Foster, RW McChesney, RJ Jonna. (2011), 63(6), 1.

3. Giulia Laganà and Tina Davis migrant farm workers in Europe in Slave Free Today Podcast


1. "Wind parks in post-crisis Greece: Neoliberalisation vis-à-vis green grabbing." Zoi Christina Siamanta, 2019. 274-303.

2. Pye, Oliver. 2019. 'Commodifying Sustainability: Development, Nature and Politics in the Palm Oil Industry'.


1. Radical, reformist, and garden-variety neoliberal: coming to terms with urban agriculture's contradictions. N McClintock, 2014

2. New York City’s Urban Agriculture System, in Beyond the kale: Urban agriculture and social justice activism in New York City. Reynolds, Kristin, and Nevin Cohen, 2016.

3. City and Country, in Sitopia: How can food save the world. Carolyn Steel, 2020

Nathan McClintock on Urban Agriculture and gentrification by Heritage Radio Network
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengefördert
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenSelbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenKreatives Denkengefördert
Kritisches Denkengefördert


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Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte2 KP
PrüfendeC. Schmid, N. Bathla
Formunbenotete Semesterleistung
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