151-0125-00L  Hydrodynamics and Cavitation

SemesterHerbstsemester 2022
DozierendeO. Supponen
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungThis course builds on the foundations of fluid dynamics to describe hydrodynamic flows and provides an introduction to cavitation.
LernzielThe main learning objectives of this course are:
1. Identify and describe dominant effects in liquid fluid flows through physical modelling.
2. Identify hydrodynamic instabilities and discuss the stability region
3. Describe fragmentation of liquids
4. Explain tension, nucleation and phase-change in liquids.
5. Describe hydrodynamic cavitation and its consequences in physical terms.
6. Recognise experimental techniques and industrial and medical applications for cavitation.
InhaltThe course gives an overview on the following topics: hydrostatics, capillarity, hydrodynamic instabilities, fragmentation. Tension in liquids, phase change. Cavitation: single bubbles (nucleation, dynamics, collapse), cavitating flows (attached, cloud, vortex cavitation). Industrial applications and measurement techniques.
SkriptClass notes and handouts
LiteraturLiterature will be provided in the course material.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesFluid dynamics I & II or equivalent