401-0647-00L  Introduction to Mathematical Optimization

SemesterHerbstsemester 2022
DozierendeD. Adjiashvili
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to basic techniques and problems in mathematical optimization, and their applications to a variety of problems in engineering.
LernzielThe goal of the course is to obtain a good understanding of some of the most fundamental mathematical optimization techniques used to solve linear programs and basic combinatorial optimization problems. The students will also practice applying the learned models to problems in engineering.
InhaltTopics covered in this course include:
- Linear programming (simplex method, duality theory, shadow prices, ...).
- Basic combinatorial optimization problems (spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows, ...).
- Modelling with mathematical optimization: applications of mathematical programming in engineering.
LiteraturInformation about relevant literature will be given in the lecture.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course is meant for students who did not already attend the course "Mathematical Optimization", which is a more advance lecture covering similar topics. Compared to "Mathematical Optimization", this course has a stronger focus on modeling and applications.