373-0200-00L  Business Development of Technology Ventures I

SemesterAutumn Semester 2022
LecturersB. Clarysse, T. Brenner, J. Thiel
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentOnly for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.

AbstractThis module is the first part of the Business Coaching track of the CAS ELTV. The module offers a structured process through which participants develop their business projects. All projects receive regular guidance from a dedicated coach.
Learning objectiveThis module enables participants:
- To identify key unknowns and important progress measures for their respective business case and implement effective means and tools to further develop their business case
- To understand the view of potential customers and implement their feedback to improve the business case
- To effectively communicate and enroll other important venture constituents (mentors, advisors, employees, investors, etc.) in the venture
ContentThis module focuses on the development needs of participants' business skills and competencies. In this module, experienced business coaches and startup mentors will interact regularly with the participants, offer guidance on how to strategize and implement compelling business cases, feedback on specific challenges, and participants' activities with the goal to strengthen the ability of the participant to garner needed resources for their undertakings.
Lecture notesSee Online Platform
LiteratureSee Online Platform
Prerequisites / NoticeThis module is only for CAS ELTV participants.