Groups are selected in myStudies. The exercises will start in the 2nd week of the Semester: Fri 10-12 or Fri 12-14
Zusätzlich wird das Study Center angeboten: Mittwochs 18-20 ab der 3. Semesterwoche im HG F 3 wo die Möglichkeit des betreuten Lernens angeboten wird. Im Study Center können Studierende Vorlesungsstoff vor- oder nachbereiten und Übungen lösen.
Analysis and controller synthesis for linear time invariant systems with one input and one output signal (SISO); transition matrix; stability; controllability; observability; Laplace transform; transfer functions; transient and steady state responses. PID control; dynamic compensators; Nyquist theorem.
Learning objective
Identify the role and importance of control systems in everyday life. Obtain models of single-input single-output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTI) dynamical systems. Linearization of nonlinear models. Interpret stability, observability and controllability of linear systems. Describe and associate building blocks of linear systems in time and frequency domain with equations and graphical representations (Bode plot, Nyquist plot, root locus). Design feedback controllers to meet stability and performance requirements for SISO LTI systems. Explain differences between expected and actual control results. Notions of robustness and other nuisances such as discrete time implementation.
Modeling and linearization of dynamic systems with single input and output signals. State-space description. Analysis (stability, reachability, observability, etc.) of open-loop systems. Laplace transformation, systems analysis in the frequency domain. Transfer functions and analysis of the influence of its poles and zeros on the system's dynamic behavior. Frequency response. Analysis of closed-loop systems using the Nyquist criterion. Formulation of performance constraints. Specification of closed-loop system behavior. Synthesis of elementary closed-loop control systems (PID, lead/lag compensation, loop shaping). Discrete time state space representation and stability analysis.
Lecture notes
Lecture slides and additional material will be posted online.
There is no required textbook.
A nice introductory book on feedback control, available online for free, is :
Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers Karl J. Astrom and Richard M. Murray
The performance assessment is offered every session. Repetition possible without re-enrolling for the course unit.
Mode of examination
written 135 minutes
Additional information on mode of examination
Zusätzlich 15 Minuten Zeit zum Durchlesen, ohne etwas zu schreiben oder Notizen zu machen.
Written aids
Kein Taschenrechner. Zusammenfassung im Umfang von maximal 20 A4 Blättern (total 40 Seiten A4).
If the course unit is part of an examination block, the credits are allocated for the successful completion of the whole block. This information can be updated until the beginning of the semester; information on the examination timetable is binding.