The course offers detailed information on selected foodborne pathogens and toxin producing organisms; the focus lies on relevant molecular biological aspects of pathogenicity and virulence, as well as on the occurrence and survival of these organisms in foods.
Learning objective
Detailed and current status of research and insights into the molecular basis of foodborne diseases, with focus on interactions of the microorganism or the toxins they produce with the human system. Understanding the relationship between specific types of food and the associated pathogens and microbial risks. Another focus lies on the currently available methods and techniques useful for the various purposes, i.e., detection, differentiation (typing), and antimicrobial agents.
Molecular biology of infectious foodborne pathogens (Listeria, E. coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, etc) and toxin-producing organisms (Bacillus, Clostridium, Staphylococcus). How and under which conditions will toxins and virulence factors be produced, and how do they work? How is the interaction between the human host and the microbial pathogen? What are the roles of food and the environment ? What can be done to interfere with the potential risks? Which methods are best suited for what approach? Last, but not least, the role of bacteriophages in microbial pathogenicity will be highlighted, in addition to various applications of bacteriophage for both diagnostics and antimicrobial intervention.
Lecture notes
Electronic copies of the presentation slides (PDF) and additional material will be made available for download to registered students.
Recommendations will be given in the first lecture
Prerequisites / Notice
Lectures (2 hours) will be held as a single session of approximately 60+ minutes (10:15 until approx. 11:15 h), without a break !
Performance assessment
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)