551-0224-00L  Advanced Proteomics

SemesterSpring Semester 2022
LecturersP. Picotti, L. Gillet, A. Leitner, P. Pedrioli
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentFor master students from the 2nd semester on, also doctoral candidates and post docs.

AbstractGoal of the course is to analyze current and newly emerging technologies and approaches in protein and proteome analysis with regard to their application in biology, biotechnology and medicine.
Format: Introduction by instructor followed by discussions stimulated by reading assignments and exercises.
Learning objectiveTo discuss current and newly emerging technologies and approaches in protein and proteome analysis with regard to their applications in biology, biotechnology, medicine and systems biology.
ContentBlock course teaching current methods for the acquisition and processing of proteomic datasets.
Prerequisites / NoticeNumber of people: Not exceeding 30.
Students from ETHZ, Uni Zurich and University of Basel
Non-ETH students must register at ETH Zurich as special students http://www.rektorat.ethz.ch/students/admission/auditors/index_EN