227-0125-00L  Optics and Photonics

SemesterSpring Semester 2022
LecturersJ. Leuthold
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractThis lecture covers both - the fundamentals of "Optics" such as e.g. "ray optics", "coherence", the "Planck law", the "reciprocity theorem" or the "Einstein relations" but also the fundamentals of "Photonics" on the generation (the laser), processing, transmission and detection of photons.
Learning objectiveA sound base for work in the field of optics and photonics will be conveyed. Key principles of optics will the thaught. The lecture passes on the essentials for work with free-space optics or waveguide optics. In addition important optical devices will be discussed. Among them are e.g. optical filters, copulers (MMI-couplers,...), Holograms,... .
ContentChapter 1: Ray Optics
Chapter 2: Electromagnetic Optics
Chapter 3: Polarization
Chapter 4: Coherence and Interference
Chapter 5: Fourier Optics and Diffraction
Chapter 6: Guided Wave Optics
Chapter 7: Optical Fibers
Chapter 8: The Laser
Lecture notesLecture notes will be handed out.
Prerequisites / NoticeFundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields (Maxwell Equations) & Bachelor Lectures on Physics.