102-1248-00L  Experimental Microfluidics: A Short Course

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2022
DozierendeE. Secchi, G. G. Dsouza, S. Stavrakis
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarMaximale Teilnehmerzahl: 16

KurzbeschreibungThe course teaches the basics of microfluidic technology and sample a range of applications in microbiology and chemistry, all through hands-on experience and live demos.
LernzielFamiliarization with the basics of microfluidics and with some applications of this technology in microbiology and chemistry.
InhaltPhysics of fluid transport at small scales, design and fabrication of microfluidic devices, set up of a typical microfluidic experiment, flow visualization, image acquisition and analysis, examples of microfluidics studies of chemistry, optofluidic, microbial growth, motility, chemotaxis and interactions among microbes.
SkriptScript and papers of previous problems
LiteraturIntroduction to Microfluidics, Patrick Tabeling, Oxford University Press, 2005