Students will be introduced to methods and tools from regenerative agriculture and how they can be integrated into the discipline and practice of landscape architecture and territorial design. Traditional and contemporary approaches in designing with productive living systems will be critically discussed, including agroforestry, water harvesting, companion planting, and pasture cropping.
Learning objective
An introduction to the strategies of regenerative agriculture will enable students to develop an understanding of key ecological parameters for design involving water, soil, animals, and vegetation. Students learn how to identify key components of a landscape system, understand relatively why and how they work, and abstract that information in drawings and diagrams that become useful for design. Additionally, the course will examine the potentials and challenges of these practices to influence landscapes at a territorial scale.
The course is organized around the presentation and discussion of traditional and contemporary case studies at the intersection of regenerative agriculture and landscape design. Through design exercises and discussions, students will translate this complexity to explore a rule-based methodological approach to designing with living systems.
Lecture notes
Course material will be provided in the form of a reader.
The course material includes a reading list.
Performance assessment
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)