101-0138-00L  Bridge Design

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2022
DozierendeW. Kaufmann
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung


101-0138-00 GBridge Design4 Std.
Di11:45-13:30HIL E 3 »
Mi11:45-13:30HIL E 3 »
W. Kaufmann


KurzbeschreibungThis course presents the fundamentals of bridge design. It covers the entire range from conceptual design to construction, encompassing all relevant building materials. The focus lies on the structural behaviour of today’s most important bridge typologies and their suitability for certain boundary conditions, the dimensioning of the main structural elements as well as construction methods.
LernzielAfter successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Define the main bridge design parameters and identify constraints and boundary conditions
- Explain the structural behaviour and peculiarities of today’s most important bridge typologies
- Explain the main elements of bridges and their structural behaviour
- Define the relevant actions on bridges
- Dimension a standard bridge (pre-dimensioning by hand; dimensioning using computer-aided tools)
- Explain the most relevant bridge construction and erection methods
- Select an appropriate typology and conceive a convincing bridge for a site with its specific boundary conditions
- Name the most eminent bridge designers and their relevant works
InhaltThe course is built up as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual design
3. Superstructure / Girder bridges
4. Support and articulation
5. Substructure
6. Arch bridges
7. Frame bridges
8. Special girder bridges
9. Cable-supported bridges

The course is complemented by
- Guest lectures by leading bridge designers active in industry
- Inverted classroom exercises on conceptual bridge design
- Slides on eminent bridge designers and their works
- Exercises (homework)
SkriptLecture notes (slides with explanations)
LiteraturMenn C.: Prestressed Concrete Bridges. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1990
(available online at ETH Library)

Hirt, M., Lebet, J.P.: Steel Bridges. EPFL Press, New York, 2013
(available online at ETH Library)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course is part of the MSc specialisation in structures and requires solid knowledge in structural analysis and design. Students are assumed to be proficient in the material taught in the following courses offered in the BSc in Civil Engineering at ETH Zurich (or have acquired equivalent knowledge elsewhere):
- Theory of structures I+II
- Steel structures I+II (incl. steel-concrete composite structures)
- Structural Concrete I+II (incl. prestressed concrete)

The flipped classroom exercises are preparing the students for Part 1 of the exam (conceptual design). Active participation is highly recommended to all students who have not conceived a bridge.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenKreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte6 KP
PrüfendeW. Kaufmann
RepetitionDie Leistungskontrolle wird in jeder Session angeboten. Die Repetition ist ohne erneute Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich.
Prüfungsmodusschriftlich 180 Minuten
Zusatzinformation zum PrüfungsmodusSession examination:
Part 1 (Conceptual design): 60 minutes
Part 2: 120 minutes

Learning tasks:
The learning task consists of 3 flipped classroom exercises, where the students develop the concept of a bridge collaborating in groups, and the final submission of the chosen concept. Participation is recommended for students, but not mandatory. It can improve the total course unit grade by up to 0.25 grade points. This maximum bonus may be achieved by successfully completing all flipped classroom exercises and submitting a convincing concept. Students can still achieve the maximum grade of 6 in the course unit even if they only sit the final examination.
Hilfsmittel schriftlichPart 1: 10 A4 pages (handwritten or typed)

Part 2: Open book exam; recommended:
- SIA codes 260ff
- SZS C4 and C5 tables
- Textbooks: bridges, concrete/steel design
- Structural analysis handbooks/formula tables

Both parts: calculator; no communication devices
Diese Angaben können noch zu Semesterbeginn aktualisiert werden; verbindlich sind die Angaben auf dem Prüfungsplan.


HauptlinkBridge Design
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Angeboten in

Bauingenieurwissenschaften MasterProjektbasierte LehrveranstaltungenWInformation
Bauingenieurwissenschaften MasterVertiefung in KonstruktionWInformation