102-0317-04L  Advanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab II)

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeS. Pfister
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarNot for master students in Environmental Engineering choosing module Ecological System Design as already included in Environment and Computer Laboratory I (Year Course): 102-0527-00 and 102-0528-00.

KurzbeschreibungTechnical systems are investigated in projects, based on the software and tools introduced in the course 102-0317-03L Advanced Env. Assessment (Computer Lab I). The projects are created around a complete but simplified LCA study, where the students will learn how to answer a given question with target oriented methodologies using various software programs and data sources for env. assessment
LernzielBecome acquainted with utilizing various software programs for environmental assessment to perform a Life Cycle Assessment and learn how to address the challenges when analyzing a complex system with available data and software limitations.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite is enrolment of 102-0317-00 Advanced Environmental Assessments and of 102-0317-03 Advanced Environmental Assessments (Computer Lab I) in parallel or in advance (both courses in HS).