376-1414-00L  Current Topics in Brain Research (HS)

SemesterAutumn Semester 2021
LecturersI. Mansuy, C. Földy, F. Helmchen, S. Jessberger, T. Karayannis
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractDifferent national and international scientific guests are invited to present and discuss their actual scientific results.
Learning objectiveTo exchange scientific knowledge and data and to promote communication and collaborations among researchers.
For students: Critical discussion of current research. Students aiming at getting a credit point for this colloquium choose one topic and write a critical essay on the presented research topic.
ContentDifferent scientific guests working in the field of molecular cognition, neurochemistry, neuromorphology and neurophysiology present their latest scientific results.
Lecture notesno handout
Literatureno literature
Prerequisites / NoticeSome of the seminars will be shared with the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI) of UZH.