376-8008-00L  Teaching Internship Including Examination Lessons Health Sciences and Technology

SemesterAutumn Semester 2021
LecturersS. Maurer, S. Sinistaj
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentOnly for Health Sciences and Technology TC students.

The teaching internship can just be visited if all other courses of TC are completed.
Repetition of the teaching internship is excluded even if the examination lessons are to be repeated.

AbstractStudents apply the insights, abilities and skills they have acquired within the context of an educational institution. They observe 10 lessons and teach 20 lessons independently. Two of them are as assessed as Examination Lessons.
Learning objectiveStudents use their specialist-subject, educational-science and subject-didactics training to draw up concepts for teaching.
- They are able to assess the significance of tuition topics for their subject from different angles (including interdisciplinary angles) and impart these to their pupils.
- They learn the skills of the teaching trade.
- They practise finding the balance between instruction and openness so that pupils can and, indeed, must make their own cognitive contribution.
- They learn to assess pupils' work.
- Together with the teacher in charge of their teacher training, the students constantly evaluate their own performance.