101-0617-01L  Advances in Building Materials

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeR. J. Flatt, I. Burgert
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungThe course on Advances in Building Materials provides an introductive overview of the needs and future of materials science in the building sector. Focus topics concern sustainability, durability, thermal insulation, coatings, sealants, adhesives, flame retardancy and the future perspective and developments of concrete and wood with regard to smart material development and ecological concerns.
LernzielIn this course, the students will gain a broad overview of the use of materials in the building sector, with a particular focus on concrete and wood. Current limitations and in particular sustainability related challenges will be detailed with the objective of laying the grounds to discuss future developments anticipated in this field.
InhaltThis course for civil engineers lays the grounds in the specialization Materials and Mechanics and complements the second introductory course of the specialization on Numerical Mechanics of Materials. The course also addresses master students in Materials Science and other study programs interested in deepening their understanding of application-relevant properties of engineering materials and sustainability related challenges.
The following topics are covered:
1. Material selection
2. Materials and sustainability 1
3. Materials and sustainability 2
4. Recyclability
5. Material science of wood durability
6. Material science of concrete durability
7. Foams in construction and thermal insulation
8. Sealants and adhesives in construction
9. Coatings
10. Flame retardants
11. Future of wood – 1
12. Future of wood – 2
13. Future of concrete – 1
14. Future of concrete – 2
SkriptHandouts will be provided for each lecture.