The course provides a platform for the investigation, presentation and discussion of a topic with relevance to the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Students work in small groups on a chosen topic, they write a mini-review and present their work on a one day symposium.
Learning objective
The main objectives of this course are:
- students develop their scientific reflection (Critical Thinking) and working skills by working independently on a relevant pharmaceutical topic - students gain in-depth knowledge of the topic investigated - students train their scientific writing and presentation skills - students train their ability to plan a project and work in a team
The Course Drug Seminar takes place during the first 7 weeks of the 1. Master semester. It is a compulsory course of the MSc Pharmacy curriculum and an elective course in the MSc PharmSciences.
The course provides a platform for the investigation, presentation and discussion of a topic with relevance to the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
During the course, students work in small teams on a topic of their choice and elaborate a written mini-review and an oral presentation. Each team is tutored by a lecturer of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The work is mainly based on literature search / review, but may also involve conducting interviews or site visits, if appropriate. The final presentations of all groups will take place in the framework of a dedicated Symposium held in the middle of the semester.
Prerequisites / Notice
Only for students of MSc Pharmacy and MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Performance assessment
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Repetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.
Additional information on mode of examination
The tutor assesses the work of each student. Based on group work, the written mini-review (this will be read by the tutor and students asked to make revisions as adequate) and the oral presentation, the semester performance is passed or failed.
Learning materials
No public learning materials available.
Only public learning materials are listed.
No information on groups available.
: Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers
Registration for the course unit is only possible for the primary target group