651-3482-00L  Geological Field Course II: Sedimentary Rocks

SemesterSpring Semester 2021
LecturersV. Picotti, A. Gilli, S. Heuberger, S. Ivy Ochs, J. Ruh
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentPriority is given to D-ERDW students. If space is available UZH Geography and Earth System Sciences students may attend this field course at full cost.

No registration through myStudies. The registration for excursions and field courses goes through http://exkursionen.erdw.ethz.ch only.

651-3482-00 PGeologischer Feldkurs II: Sedimente56s hrsV. Picotti, A. Gilli, S. Heuberger, S. Ivy Ochs, J. Ruh