052-0824-21L  History of Art and Architecture: Exhibiting Architecture

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2021
DozierendeP. Ursprung, F. Fischli, N. Olsen
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungIn this Wahlfach you become an active curator for a touring exhibition.
LernzielIn this elective course you become an active curator for a touring exhibition. The subject of the exhibition and Wahlfach is CGI (Computer Generated Images).

The studio focus' on methods of conceiving and producing architecture exhibitions.
Inhalt«Exhibiting architecture» has a growing significance as a form of practice. In this Wahlfach you become an active curator for a touring exhibition. The subject of the exhibition and Wahlfach is CGI (Computer Generated Images) and your tutors are the curators Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen (gta), Luigi Alberto Cippini of the experimental architecture studio Armature Globale, as well as a group of guest lecturers. We are also visiting ETH Zurich’s Disney Research Laboratory, who is behind the technical innovation of numerous movies.
Throughout the semester we both reflect on the exhibition’s main question of departure and you develop individually and in teams contributions for the upcoming exhibition. Enhanced by the pandemic, CGI gains an increasing presence. In architecture CGI is used to both visualize and design buildings, but also to test their behavior during possible earthquakes, fire or how the flow of people is accommodated. In medicine digital models are used to train surgeons, digital avatars in music culture question understandings of gender, in forensics they are used to re-enact scenarios and movies confuse different realities in often non traceable ways. For this exhibition we research how CGI for architecture and beyond is produced. We will look at video tutorials and how the knowledge about CGI distributes. Who are the programmers, CGI architects and what’s the culture behind this new, powerful field of image production?

Throughout the semester we read together texts on the subject of CGI, new forms of representation and on display techniques.
We organize discussions with protagonists from various fields. In teams you realize contributions for the upcoming exhibition.
LiteraturA reading list will be provided.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesContribution / project realized as a team or individually for the exhibition.

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