651-4072-00L  Engineering Geology of Underground Excavations

SemesterSpring Semester 2021
LecturersS. Löw, O. Moradian
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNumber of participants limited to 18.

AbstractThis course deals with the geological activities related to underground excavations (field investigations, route selection, geological models and hazards, geotechnical properties, rock mass behavior, groundwater & environmental impacts). The course focuses on problem solving skills (trained in a Lötschberg Base Tunnel case study, including report writing).
Learning objectiveIn this course the student shall become familiar with the most important tasks an engineering geologist has to carry out in the context of planning and building an underground excavation or tunnel. The student will learn how to integrate the knowledge gained during the fundamental and methods courses for the design of underground constructions in various project phases (including report writing).
ContentMajor Tasks of Engineering Geologist in Underground Constructions, Project Phases and Logistic Constraints of Various Types Underground Constructions, Ground Behaviour in Underground Constructions (Rock and Soil), Groundwater and Environmental Impacts of Underground Constructions; Exploration Methods. Case Study Lötschberg Base Tunnel.
Lecture notesA script is available in the form of a few review publications.
LiteratureRichard Goodman 1993: Engineering Geology, Rock in Engineering Construction, John Whiley and Sons.
Evert Hoek 2007: Practical Rock Engineering, Course Notes, wwwhttp://www.rocscience.com/hoek/PracticalRockEngineering.asp
Prerequisites / NoticeThe Lötschberg Case Study forms a key component of this integration course. Students will learn (1) how to carry out preliminary investigations related to tunnel design, (2) how to select the tunnel route, (3) how the describe the geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions, (4) how to qualitatively and quantitatively assess geological hazards, rock mass behavior and environmental impacts, and (5) how write geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological reports. A day field trip to the study area (March 15) and a tunneling site (May 19) is included in the course.