151-0314-00L  Information Technologies in the Digital Product

SemesterSpring Semester 2021
LecturersE. Zwicker, R. Montau
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractObjectives, Concepts and Methods of Digitalization, Digital Product and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Industry 4.0
Concepts for Digitalization: Product Structures, Optimization of Engineering Processes with digital models in Sales, Production, Service, Digital Twin versus Digital Thread
PLM Fundamentals: Objects, Structures, Processes, Integrations, Visualization
Best Practices
Learning objectiveStudents learn the fundamentals and concepts of Digitalization along the in the product lifecycle on the foundation of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technologies, the usage of databases, the integration of CAx systems and Visualization/AR, the configuration of computer-based collaboration leveraging IT-standards as well as variant and configuration management to enable an efficient utilization of the digital product approach in industry 4.0.
ContentPossibilities and potential of modern IT applications focussing on PLM and CAx technologies for targeted utilization in the context of product platform - business processes - IT tools. Introduction to the concepts of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): information modeling, data management, revision, usage and distribution of product data. Structure and functional principles of PLM systems. Integration of new IT technologies in business processes. Possibilities of publication and automatic configuration of product variants via the Internet. Using state-of-the-art information and communication technologies to develop products globally across distributed locations. Interfaces in computer-integrated product development. Selection, configuration, adaptation and introduction of PLM systems. Examples and case studies for industrial usage of modern information technologies.

Learning modules:
- Introduction to Digitalization (Digital Product, PLM technology)
- Database technology (foundation of digitalization)
- Object Management
- Object Classification
- Object identification with Part Numbering Systems
- CAx/PLM integration with Visualization/AR
- Workflow & Change Management
- Interfaces of the Digital Product
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
Lecture notesDidactic concept / learning materials:
The course consists of lectures and exercises based on practical examples.
Provision of lecture handouts and script digitally in Moodle.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: None
Recommended: Fokus-Project, interest in Digitalization
Lecture appropriate for D-MAVT, D-MTEC, D-ITET and D-INFK

Testat/Credit Requirements / Exam:
- execution of exercises in teams (recommended)
- Oral exam 30 minutes, based on concrete problem cases