701-0314-00L  Plant Diversity: Colline/Montane

SemesterSpring Semester 2021
LecturersR. Berndt
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentParticipation in LV 701-0360-00L (Systematic Biology of Plants) or comparable knowledge (after consultation with the lecturer).
Enrollment for target group until 19.02.2021.
Waiting list until 31.3.2021.

AbstractThe practical focuses on the vegetation and flora of the colline and montane belts of Switzerland. It comprises five day excursions to typical and botanically rich locations. During the excursions the students will deepen their knowledge of plant species and learn to recognize important vegetation units and their ecological characteristics.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of the flora and ecological conditions of the most important vegetation units of the colline and montane belts of Switzerland. Consolidation of taxonomic and plant morphological knowledge. Experience in plant determination using scientific determination keys. Basic collecting and herbarium techniques.
ContentThis course gives an introduction to the flora and vegetation of the colline and montane belts of Switzerland. During five excursions the students will become acquainted with the most important vegetation types, their species diversity and the respective environmental conditions.
Besides deepening the knowledge of plant species and vegetation a focus will be laid on how man shaped the cultural landscape and continues to change it.
Literature-Stützel T. 2015. Botanische Bestimmungsübungen (3. Aufl.). UTB, Ulmer Verlag.

-Hess H.E., Landolt E., Hirzel R. & Baltisberger M. 2015: Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz. 7., aktualisierte und überarbeitete Aufl., Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Boston/Berlin.
Prerequisites / NoticeParticipants need to know the teaching contents of the lecture « Plant Systematics » (LV 701 0360 00L) and the associated exercises and excursions.
It is expected that the participants know how to use a determination key (Hess et al. 2015. Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz) and understand the necessary botanical terminology (e.g. Stützel 2015).

Students from other universities are requested to contact the lecturers.

Program: Depending on actual CoVid situation the program may be changed on short notice!
15.-19. 6.: Day excursions (destinations to be announced)
22.6. (morning): Exam (9-11 Uhr, HIL E1)

The excursions will take place under any weather conditions. The participants should be equipped appropriately to cope with rough and steep terrain and adverse weather conditions. Sturdy mountain boots are mandatory!

Course fees:
No course fees.