The course presents nutrition and health issues with a special focus on developing countries. Micronutrient deficiencies including assessment and prevalence and food fortification with micronutrients.
Knowing commonly used nutrition and health indicators to evaluate the nutritional status of populations. Knowing and evaluating nutritional problems in developing countries. Understanding the problem of micronutrient deficiencies and the principles of food fortification with micronutrients.
The course presents regional and global aspects and status of food security and commonly used nutrition and health indicators. Child growth, childhood malnutrition and the interaction of nutrition and infectious diseases in developing countries. Specific nutritional problems in emergencies. The assessment methods and the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies at regional and global level. The principles of food fortification with micronutrients and examples fortification programs.
The lecture details are available.
Leathers and Foster, The world food problem, Tackling the causes of undernutrition in the third world. 3rd ed., 2004. Semba and Bloem, Nutrition and health in developing countries, 2nd edition, Humana Press, 2008. WHO, FAO, Guidelines on food fortification with micronutrients, WHO, 2006.