651-3400-00L Geochemistry I
Semester | Autumn Semester 2020 |
Lecturers | M. Schönbächler, D. Vance |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | German |
Comment | The course replaces 651-3400-00 Geochemie. Students who completed 651-3400-00 Geochemie are not eligible to Geochemie I. |
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again) | |
Performance assessment as a semester course | |
In examination block for | Bachelor's Degree Programme in Earth and Climate Sciences 2016; Version 25.02.2020 (Examination Block 1) Bachelor's Programme in Earth Sciences 2016 (Examination Block 1) |
ECTS credits | 4 credits |
Examiners | M. Schönbächler, D. Vance |
Type | session examination |
Language of examination | German |
Repetition | The performance assessment is offered every session. Repetition possible without re-enrolling for the course unit. |
Mode of examination | written 60 minutes |
Additional information on mode of examination | Die Schlussnote berechnet sich aus der schriftlichen Prüfung und die während des Semesters zu absolvierenden Übungen (Lernelemente, fakultativ), bieten eine Gelegenheit die Noten zu verbessern. Die Gesamtnote kann maximal um +0.25 verbessert werden. Die Maximalnote kann auch ohne die Lernelemente erzielt werden. Die Prüfungsfragen können auf Deutsch oder Englisch beantwortet werden. |
Written aids | Einfacher, nicht-kommunikationsfähiger Taschenrechner ohne Textspeicher |
If the course unit is part of an examination block, the credits are allocated for the successful completion of the whole block. This information can be updated until the beginning of the semester; information on the examination timetable is binding. |