227-0085-05L  Projekte & Seminare: Fast Signal Acquisition and Processing for Quantum Experiments using FPGA

SemesterHerbstsemester 2020
DozierendeS. Kozerke
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarNur für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie BSc.

Die Lerneinheit kann nur einmal belegt werden. Eine wiederholte Belegung in einem späteren Semester ist nicht anrechenbar.

KurzbeschreibungDer Bereich Praktika, Projekte, Seminare umfasst Lehrveranstaltungen in unterschiedlichen Formaten zum Erwerb von praktischen Kenntnissen und Fertigkeiten. Ausserdem soll selbstständiges Experimentieren und Gestalten gefördert, exploratives Lernen ermöglicht und die Methodik von Projektarbeiten vermittelt werden.
LernzielFPGAs are used in wide range of applications including video processing, machine learning, cryptography and radar signal processing, thanks to their flexibility and massive parallel processing power. Recently FPGAs have become important in quantum signal processing where high amount of data should be analyzed in a short time to use quantum setups most efficiently. In addition, FPGAs are used for quantum state detection and feedback generation, which have to be performed in the scale of hundreds of nanoseconds. The goal of this course is to understand the FPGA based signal processing for superconducting circuits based quantum experiments. The course participants will learn the implementation techniques of the modules for fast quantum signal acquisition and processing, the electronics supporting quantum experiments, and FPGA programming. You will implement quantum signal processing and quantum state detection modules using Xilinx FPGA, Verilog HDL, and high speed ADC. The course will be taught in English. No prior knowledge in quantum physics or FPGA is required, still a good knowledge in any coding language (for example C or Java) is required.