373-0201-00L  Leadership Development I

SemesterHerbstsemester 2020
DozierendeB. Clarysse
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.


373-0201-00 PLeadership Development I
Kick-​off event in conjunction with Module "Entrepreneurial Strategies & Lean Innovation".
Monthly online and/or F2F coaching during the semester (dates will be decided in agreement with participants)
12s Std.B. Clarysse


KurzbeschreibungThis is the first module of the Leadership Development & Coaching track of the CAS ELTV. In this module, participants take stock of their current situation and goals and develop specific action points. This process is supported by experienced leadership coaches.
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To identify current gaps in the personal management skills and competencies and develop meaningful goals and plans to fill those gaps
- To implement effective exercises and practices to improve the participants' leadership capacity
- To effectively communicate and manage key constituents, notably employees and key advisors in a venture project
InhaltThis module focuses on the development needs of participants' leadership competencies. In this module, experienced leadership coaches will interact regularly with the participants, coach them along a personal development plan, and feedback participants on specific challenges and activities with the goal to strengthen the participants' leadership capability and people skills.
SkriptSee Online Platform
LiteraturSee Online Platform
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis module is only for CAS ELTV participants.


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte1 KP
PrüfendeB. Clarysse
Formunbenotete Semesterleistung
RepetitionRepetition ohne erneute Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich.


Keine öffentlichen Lernmaterialien verfügbar.
Es werden nur die öffentlichen Lernmaterialien aufgeführt.


Keine Informationen zu Gruppen vorhanden.


VorrangDie Belegung der Lerneinheit ist nur durch die primäre Zielgruppe möglich
Primäre ZielgruppeCAS ETH Entrepreneurial Leadership Techn. Ventures (373000)

Angeboten in

CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology VenturesBusiness & Leadership DevelopmentOInformation