064-0017-20L  Research Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies

SemesterAutumn Semester 2020
LecturersG. Vogt, T. Avermaete, T. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, H. Klumpner, F. Persyn, C. Schmid, M. Topalovic
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish


064-0017-20 KResearch Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
No course on 22.10. (seminar week).
Excursions on 15.10. (Landesmuseum) and 26.11. (Focusterra)
Hybrid Teaching.
2 hrs
Thu09:45-11:30ONA E 16 »
G. Vogt, T. Avermaete, T. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, H. Klumpner, F. Persyn, C. Schmid, M. Topalovic

Catalogue data

AbstractAdvanced PhD candidates of urban studies, urban and landscape design and urban sociology report about their experiences and insights in the concrete application of methods utilized for their research and scientific publications. Discussion of ongoing individual work, methodological questions, critical perspectives on urban and landscape design and city's relation to society.
Learning objectiveThe seminar's objective is to introduce PhD students to the multitude of research methodologies, tools and techniques within the fields of urban studies, urban design, territorial planning and landscape architecture. Based on the conveyed knowledge, the seminar ultimately aims at enabling PhD candidates to critically assess existing methods and tools, and to refine and develop an academically sound research framework for their own studies.
ContentThe seminar is organized along three modules that are arranged according to the PhD classes' particular needs:

A: Methodology Module >>> Introduction of a research methodology by an expert / short contributions by PhD students + exercise and discussion / moderated by doctoral program coordinator (Lecturer/Dozent). This will include quantitative and qualitative methods such as ethnographic research, case study research, grounded theory, survey design, mapping, methods in statistical and data analysis, etc. (3-4 per semester)

B: Literature Module >>> Reading sessions organized and conducted by doctoral program coordinator (Lecturer/Dozent) / invited experts from the Department. These sessions will support the methodology modules with theoretical and historical texts with a specifically tailored reading syllabus. (4-5 per semester).

C: Techniques Module >>> Introduction into research techniques and tools / organized by doctoral program coordinator (Lecturer/Dozent) / conducted by respective experts. These modules will make students familiar with technical aspects such as academic writing, or the the use of GIS software, the ETH library or the gta archive, etc.(2-3 per semester)
Prerequisites / NoticeThe seminar is jointly organized by the coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Landscape and Urban Studies, and the I-LUS faculty. Although located at the D-ARCH, the seminar is open to all doctoral students at ETH who are involved or interested in research at the urban and territorial scale.

This seminar is complementing the gta doctoral colloquiums on Thursday afternoons.

Hybrid teaching: Personal teaching in ONA Design In Dialog Lab (ONA E25) and online teaching:

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits2 credits
ExaminersC. Girot, T. Galí-Izard, H. Klumpner, F. Persyn, C. Schmid, M. Topalovic, G. Vogt
Typeungraded semester performance
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.

Learning materials

Main linkInformation
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


General : Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers
Permission from lecturers required for all students

Offered in

Doctoral Department of ArchitectureDoctoral and Post-Doctoral CoursesWInformation