This introductory course starts from a descriptions of the behavior and phenomena of soils and rocks under near surface loading conditions and their key geotechnical properties. Lab and field methods for the characterization of soils, rocks and rock masses are introduced. Finally practical aspects of ground engineering, including tunneling and landslide hazards are presented.
Learning objective
Understanding the basic geotechnical and geomechanical properties and processes of rocks and soils. Understanding the interaction of rock and soil masses with technical systems. Understanding the fundamentals of geological hazards.
Rock, soil and rock mass: scale effects and fundamental geotechnical properties. Soil mechanical properties and their determination. Rock mechanical properties and their determination. Fractures: geotechnical properties and their determination. Geotechnical classification of intact rock, soils and rock masses. Natural and induced stresses in rock and soil. Interaction of soil masses with surface loads, water and excavations. Slope instability mechanisms and stability analyses. Underground excavation instability mechanisms and rock deformation. Geological mass wasting processes.
Lecture notes
Written course documentation available under "Kursunterlagen".
PRINZ, H. & R. Strauss (2006): Abriss der Ingenieurgeologie. - 671 S., 4. Aufl., Elsevier GmbH (Spektrum Verlag).
LANG, H.-J., HUDER, J. & AMMAN, P. (1996): Bodenmechanik und Grundbau. Das Verhalten von Böden und die wichtigsten grundbaulichen Konzepte. - 320 S., 5.Aufl., Berlin, Heidelberg etc. (Springer).
A repetition date will be offered in the first two weeks of the semester immediately consecutive.
Additional information on mode of examination
Erfolgreich gelöste und termingerecht abgegebene Übungen (Lernelemente) führen zu einer Erhöhung der Gesamtnote der Lerneinheit von maximal 0.25 Notenpunkten. Die Maximalnote 6 für die Lerneinheit kann auch erreicht werden, wenn nur die Semesterendprüfung absolviert wird. Die Teilnahme an den Lernelementen (Übungen) wird sehr empfohlen.