The course introduces the scientific concepts and typical applications of tracers in biogeochemistry. The course covers stable and radioactive isotopes, geochemical tracers and biomarkers and their application in biogeochemical processes as well as regional and global cycles. The course provides essential theoretical background for the lab course "Isotopic and Organic Tracers Laboratory".
The course aims at understanding the fractionation of stable isotopes in biogeochemical processes. Students learn to know the origin and decay modes of relevant radiogenic isotopes. They discover the spectrum of possible geochemical tracers and biomarkers, their potential and limitations and get familiar with important applications
Geogenic and cosmogenic radionuclides (sources, decay chains); stable isotopes in biogeochemistry (nataural abundance, fractionation); geochemical tracers for processes such as erosion, productivity, redox fronts; biomarkers for specific microbial processes.
handouts will be provided for every chapter
A list of relevant books and papers will be provided
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes
Students should have a basic knowledge of biogeochemical processes (BSc course on Biogeochemical processes in aquatic systems or equivalent)
Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)