151-1005-00L  Master's Thesis Process Engineering

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2020
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarStudents who fulfill the following criteria are allowed to begin with their Master's Thesis:
a. successful completion of the bachelor program;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the master programme;
c. successful completion of the semester project and industrial internship;
d. achievement of 28 ECTS in the category "Core Courses".

The Master's Thesis must be approved in advance by the tutor and is supervised by a professor of ETH Zurich.
To choose a titular professor as a supervisor, please contact the D-MAVT Student Administration.

Verfahrenstechnik MasterMaster-ArbeitOInformation