406-0663-AAL Numerical Methods for CSE
Semester | Spring Semester 2020 |
Lecturers | R. Hiptmair |
Periodicity | every semester recurring course |
Language of instruction | English |
Comment | Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement. Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit. |
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again) | |
Performance assessment as a semester course | |
ECTS credits | 8 credits |
Examiners | R. Hiptmair |
Type | session examination |
Language of examination | English |
Repetition | The performance assessment is offered every session. Repetition possible without re-enrolling for the course unit. |
Mode of examination | written 225 minutes |
Additional information on mode of examination | Mode of examination: written 180 minutes (the 225 minutes mentioned elsewhere includes the time reserved for reading the examination). Same exam as for the course unit 401-0663-00L, which is taught during the autumn semester and where a 30-minutes mid-term exam and a 30-minutes end-term exam (both not mandatory) will be held during the teaching period on dates specified in the beginning of the semester. The grades of these interim examinations will be taken into account through a BONUS of up to 20% for the final grade. The bonus can also be acquired by students who must take the performance assessment for the course unit 406-0663-AAL if they take part in the exams during the semester. Computer based examination involving coding problems beside theoretical questions. Parts of the lecture documents and other materials will be made available online during the examination. |
Written aids | Summary of up to 10 pages A4 in the candidate's OWN HANDWRITING |
This information can be updated until the beginning of the semester; information on the examination timetable is binding. |