701-0105-00L Mathematics VI: Applied Statistics for Environmental Sciences
Semester | Spring Semester 2020 |
Lecturers | C. Bigler, M. Kalisch, L. Meier |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | German |
Comment | Requirement: enrollment of 401-0624-00L Mathematics IV: Statistics or similar lecture. |
Abstract | Statistical methods from current publications in environmental sciences are presented and applied. Students are enabled to understand the methods, clean datasets, analyse them using the software package R and present the results in a suitable form. They will be able to describe strengths and weaknesses of the methods for given fields of application. |
Learning objective | Students are able to - use suitable statistical methods for data analysis in their subject area. - characterize data sets using explorative methods - check the suitability of data sets to answer a given question, prepare data sets for import to a statistics program and conduct the analysis. - interpret statistical analyses and process them graphically for use in presentations and publications. - describe the basics of statistical methods used in current publications. - use the software package R for statistical analysis |
Content | Statistische Methoden: Regression (lineare Modelle; generalisierte lineare Modelle, GLMs); Varianzanalyse (ANOVA); gemischte Modelle für gruppierte Daten (mixed-effects models); Fragebogenstatistik; Tests (t Test) Werkzeuge: Explorative Datenanalyse für Hypothesenbildung; Auswahlverfahren für geeignete statistische Verfahren; Datenaufbereitung (Excel -> R; Datenbereinigung); graphische Darstellung von Resultaten; statistische Verfahren in Publikationen erkennen. Wir arbeiten mit dem Softwarepaket R. Form: Im Wochenrhythmus finden alternierend Einführungen in eine neue Methode und Übungsstunden zum Thema statt. |
Prerequisites / Notice | Besuch von "Mathematik IV: Statistik" oder vergleichbare Lehrveranstaltung. Die Schlussprüfung findet am Freitag 12.6.2020 (9:00 - 10:30) statt. |