401-0232-10L  Analysis 2

SemesterSpring Semester 2020
LecturersP. Feller
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentStudents in BSc EEIT who registered for the course unit 401-1261-07L Analysis I in the Autumn Semester may instead register for 401-1262-07L Analysis II (for BSc Mathematics, BSc Physics and BSc Interdisciplinary Science (Phys Chem)) and take the performance assessment of the corresponding two-semester course.

AbstractIntroduction to differential calculus and integration in several variables.
Learning objectiveEinführung in die Grundlagen der Analysis
ContentDifferentiation in several variables, maxima and minima,
the implicit function theorem, integration in several variables,
integration over submanifolds, the theorems of Gauss and Stokes.
Lecture notesChristian Blatter: Ingenieur-Analysis (Kapitel 4-6).
Konrad Koenigsberger, Analysis II.