102-0217-01L  Process Engineering Ib

SemesterSpring Semester 2020
LecturersE. Morgenroth
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentPrerequisite: 102-0217-00L Process Engineering Ia (given in HS).

AbstractThe purpose of this course is to build on the fundamental understanding of biological processes and wastewater treatment applications that were studied in Process Engineering Ia. Case studies that are jointly discussed in class and student led projects allow you to advance the understanding and critical analysis of biological treatment processes.
Learning objectiveStudents should be able to evaluate existing wastewater treatment plants and future designs using basic process understanding, mathematical modeling tools, and knowledge obtained from the current literature. The students shall be capable to apply and recognize the limits of the kinetic models which have been developed to simulate these systems.
ContentAdvanced modeling of activated sludge systems
Nitrification, denitrification, and biological P elimination
Enrichment in mixed culture systems using, e.g., selectors
Biofilm kinetics and application to full scale plants
Critical review of treatment processes
Lecture notesCopies of overheads will be made available.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisite: 102-0217-00 Process Engineering Ia (held in HS).