363-0452-00L  Purchasing and Supply Management

SemesterSpring Semester 2020
LecturersS. Wagner
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractBased on up to date purchasing and supplier management theories and practices, the course familiarizes students with the design and implementation of purchasing strategies, processes, structures and systems, as well as the structure and management of supplier portfolios and buyer-supplier relationships.
Learning objectiveStudents will acquire skills and tools which are valuable for designing and implementing purchasing and supplier strategies.
ContentThe value sourced from suppliers and the innovation stemming from the supply base has increased substantially in recent years. As a consequence, suppliers and the purchasing function have become critically important for firms in many manufacturing and service industries. Purchasing and supply management is on the agenda of top-management today. This course will familiarize students with modern purchasing and supplier management theory and practice. They will learn how to design and implement purchasing strategies, processes, structures and systems, and how to structure and manage supplier portfolios and buyer-supplier relationships to meet firms’ supply needs.
Lecture notesThe course material will be made available for download on Moodle:

LiteratureThe following textbook is recommended:
Cousins, Paul/Lamming, Richard/Lawson, Benn/Squire, Brian (2008): Strategic supply management: Principles, theories and practice, Harlow, UK: Financial Times Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0273651005).

The following textbooks are supplementary:
van Weele, Arjan J. (2014): Purchasing and supply chain management: Analysis, strategy, planning and practice, 6th ed., Andover: Cengage Learning (ISBN: 9781408088463).
Benton, W.C. (2010): Purchasing and supply chain management, 2nd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill (ISBN: 0073525146).
Prerequisites / NoticeThe final course grade will be a weighted average of the following:

Written test: 70%
Case studies (during the semester): 30%