Introduction into the fundamentals of laboratory diagnostics and an overview on the laboratory parameters used in the context of inflammation, lipid metabolism, myocardial infarction, diabetes, kidney function, urinary analysis, liver function, blood coagulation, blood counts, therapeutic drug monitoring and drugs of abuse screening.
Learning objective
Overview on the possibilities and limitations in clinical laboratory diagnostics offered in pharmacies. Indications and methods of often used analyses are known.
Introduction into medical laboratory diagnostics: immunochemical methods, diagnostics of inflammation, acute myocardial infarction, lipid metabolism, diabetes, kidney function and urinary diagnostics, blood coagulation, blood count, therapeutic drug monitoring, drugs of abuse screening, common diagnostics of liver diseases, point-of-care diagnostics.
Lecture notes
Documentation will be available before the lectures electronically.
- Jürgen Hallbach, Klinische Chemie und Hämatologie für den Einstieg, Thieme Verlag - Harald Renz, Praktische Labordiagnostik, de Gruyter Verlag - Walter Guder, Das Laborbuch für Klinik und Praxis, Elsevier Verlag
Performance assessment
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)