651-4044-02L  Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry Field Course

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2020
DozierendeT. I. Eglinton, A. Gilli
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarLectures from "Micropalaeontology and Molecular Palaeontology" and "The Global Carbon Cycle - Reduced" are recommended but not mandatory for participation in the field course.

Priority is given to D-ERDW students. If space is available UZH Geography and Earth System Sciences students may attend this field course at full cost.

No registration through myStudies. The registration for excursions and field courses goes through http://exkursionen.erdw.ethz.ch only.


651-4044-02 PGeomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry Field Course
This course takes place towards the end of the summer semester break.
Participants will be prepared online via OLAT and at the beginning of the excursion week.
60s Std.T. I. Eglinton, A. Gilli


KurzbeschreibungBiomineralogy: Microbes dissolving/forming minerals
Geo-Ecology: Geochemical, hydrologic, atmospheric interactions
Geo-Microbiology: Pioneering organisms in "new" habitats in glacial retreat areas
Geochemistry: Carbon sequestration in glacial flood plains, soil formation on different bedrocks, nutrient scavenging in low-nutrient lakes
Life Styles: Physiological adaptation to extreme conditions
LernzielIllustrating basic geological, chemical and geo-biological topics under natural conditions and relating them to past, present and future global environmental conditions in high mountain habitats.
Each course participant focuses on a scientific question related to one of the course topics, searches for details in the literature and presents a short summary of his / her course research on the last day of the course.

Didactic Approach: Preparation lectures, investigation of field sites, sampling and sample preservation and follow-up analyses for the lab module (651-4044-01L), studying papers, exercises on concept formulation, ecosystem modeling, presentation of field results.
The preparation for the fieldwork is designed as a partial distance-learning course via the internet. Field Guides along with other course material can be viewed before the field course. Detailed introduction to the topics takes place during the course week. Students will need to complete a variety of assignments and participate at discussion forums on OLAT before and during the field course.
InhaltThe field course (651-4044-02L) will take place from September 2 to September 7 in the Biogeoscience Arena Silvretta. It can be followed by a semester project in the laboratory (independent sign-up under 651-4044-01L).
Which sites will be visited in the Biogeoscience Arena Silvretta depends on the weather, accessibility in case of early snow and the time. Selection of topics:
1. Biogeochemical processes in rock weathering and the formation of minerals: Gonzen, former iron mine; Alvaneu, sulfur springs. Chemical and microbially mediated transformation of carbonates and gypsum: Albula valley region.
2. Geomicrobiology and hydrogeochemistry in thermal spring (Tamina gorge, Pfäffers) and cold water mineral springs of the Lower Engadin Window: Highly mineralized spring water emerging from low grade metamorphic rocks (Bündner shist) by ion exchange processes and release of rock interstitial fluids.
3. Geochemical nutrient sequestration in high mountain lakes and in snow and ice: Joeri lake area (Silvretta gneiss).
4. Coupled processes in biogeochemical iron, manganese and phosphorus cycling: Jöri lake XIII.
5. Primary processes in soil and peat formation (inorganic to organic transition, carbon sequestration) and microbial colonization: Glacial retreat flood plains, early vegetation on delta and moraine soils.
6. Life styles under extreme conditions: Microorganisms and small invertebrates in ice (Cryoconite holes, Silvretta glacier), snow and highly mineralized spring water.
7. Formation and weathering of serpentinite (Totalp), effects on soil formation and on vegetation.
8. Economic aspects of geo-hydrology: mineral water market, wellness tourism and geo-medical aspects.
(not all sites listed will be visited every year. The topics might vary depending on the course focus and the participants.)
SkriptThe new field guides and details about the course logistics will become available on OLAT in June via Details under https://lms.uzh.ch/url/RepositoryEntry/16318464010?guest=true&lang=de
(The course site will be renewed as soon as all details are available). Participants who are enrolled for this course in the excursion sign-up tool will receive further instructions during the spring semester.
LiteraturLecture slides and literature references are available on the corresponding OLAT site: Details under https://lms.uzh.ch/url/RepositoryEntry/16318464010?guest=true&lang=de
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesSites visited and course contents can vary from year to year depending on interest, accessibility and weather conditions.
Field-work can last up to 8 hours daily and will take place at altitudes up to 3000m. This requires endurance and a certain physical fitness. Participants need to be prepared.
Target Groups: Field course and semester project work for the upper level Bachelor curriculum and for Master students.

This field course is coupled to a semester project work "651-4044-01 P Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry Lab Practical", when samples collected during the field work will be analyzed. Students who sign up for both, the field and the lab component, have priority. It is possible, however, to participate at the field section only.
The lecture course "651-4004-00L Organic Geochemistry and the Global Carbon Cycle" is a good preparations for the combined Field-Lab Course.

Students registering for the course confirm having read and accepted the terms and conditions for excursions and field courses of D-ERDW Link


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte2 KP
PrüfendeT. I. Eglinton, A. Gilli
Formunbenotete Semesterleistung
RepetitionRepetition nur nach erneuter Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich.
ZulassungsbedingungParticipation on all excursions and presentation of a focus topic on the last day of the field course
Zusatzinformation zum PrüfungsmodusOral presentation of selected field course topic on the last day of the field course.


HauptlinkField guides, list of topics and preparatory material under
LernumgebungOn OLAT course site
Weitere LinksTerms and Conditions for Excursions and Field Courses D-ERDW
Es werden nur die öffentlichen Lernmaterialien aufgeführt.


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Angeboten in

Erdwissenschaften MasterBiogeochemistry: WahlpflichtfächerWInformation