252-0842-00L  Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving

SemesterSpring Semester 2020
LecturersD. Komm
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentNumber of participants limited to 80.


252-0842-00 VProgrammieren und Problemlösen2 hrs
Thu15:15-17:00CAB G 51 »
D. Komm
252-0842-00 UProgrammieren und Problemlösen1 hrs
Mon14:15-15:00CAB H 56 »
Thu10:00-11:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-11:00ML E 12 »
D. Komm

Catalogue data

AbstractCore concepts of Computer Science and their implementation in Python.
Learning objectiveThe goals of the course are consolidating the knowledge about the programming language Python on the one hand, and learning about core concepts of computer science that are essential in algorithm design on the other hand. The focus is on computational thinking, that is, the ability to solve problems systematically by developing algorithms. Different strategies are introduced, analyzed theoretically, and implemented in Python. The combination of theory and practice is central in this course.
Content- Repetition of basic programming concepts such as variables, lists, control structures, and loops
- Reading in and visualizing data
- Complexity theory
- Sorting and searching
- Dynamic programming
- Recursion
- Graph algorithms
Lecture notesLecture website: http://lec.inf.ethz.ch/ppl
Prerequisites / NoticeRecommendation:
- Foundations of Computer Science (252-0852-00)
- Application Oriented Programming Using Python (252-0840-01)

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits3 credits
ExaminersD. Komm
Typegraded semester performance
Language of examinationGerman
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.

Learning materials

Main linkVorlesungswebseite
LiteratureT. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, Algorithmen - Eine Einführung, Oldenbourg, 2010
T. Ottmann, P. Widmayer - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


Places80 at the most
Waiting listuntil 01.03.2020

Offered in

Earth Sciences BachelorComplemantary CoursesZInformation
Health Sciences and Technology BachelorElectivesWInformation
Computer Science (General Courses)Computer Science for Non-Computer ScientistsZInformation
Environmental Sciences BachelorMethodes of Statistical Data AnalysisWInformation
Environmental Sciences BachelorIndividual SubjectsWInformation