365-1067-00L  (Un)ethical Decision Making: Alternative and Critical Thinking in Management

SemesterHerbstsemester 2019
DozierendeA. Vaccaro
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarExclusively for MAS MTEC students (third semester).
Please register by 27.08.2019 at the latest via myStudies.

365-1067-00 S(Un)ethical Decision Making: Alternative and Critical Thinking in Management
Three-day course: 12.09.2019 / 13.09.2019 / 14.09.2019.
Thursday and Friday: 09:15-18:00; Saturday: 08:15-17:00.
24s Std.
12.09.09:15-18:00LEE D 105 »
09:15-18:00LEE E 101 »
13.09.09:15-18:00LEE D 105 »
09:15-18:00LEE E 101 »
14.09.08:15-17:00LEE D 105 »
08:15-17:00LEE E 101 »
A. Vaccaro