101-0137-00L  Steel Structures III

SemesterAutumn Semester 2019
LecturersA. Taras, R. Bärtschi
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractEnhance theoretical considerations and detailing of structural steel design including aspects of economy and erection. E.g. Cranes, composite construction (compression and bending, continuous girders, partial connection, serviceability), fire design, stability of frames and buckling of plates with stiffeners, cold rolled sections, corrosion protection, price calculation and quality control
Learning objectiveEnhance theoretical considerations und detailing of structural steel design including aspects of economy and erection.
ContentConstructive design of cranes, composite construction (compression and bending, continuous girders, partial connection, serviceability), fire design, stability of frames and buckling of plates with stiffeners, cold rolled sections, corrosion protection, price calculation and quality control
Lecture notesAutography
Copies of presentations
Literature- Stahlbauhandbuch 1 und 2, Stahlbau-Verlags-GmbH, Köln
- Stahlbaukalender 2000, Ernst + Sohn, Berlin, 1999
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Steel Structures I and II